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Liz Truss And Rishi Sunak To Face Questions Over Cost-Of-Living Policies

September 4, 2022

The two contenders to become the next PM face questions about their cost-of-living policies - a day before the result of the Tory leadership contest.

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak will be asked about their proposals to solve pressing issues, including mounting energy bills, live on BBC One later.

Presenter Laura Kuenssberg will also ask why they want the top job.

Meanwhile, Ms Truss has said she will set out "immediate action" on bills should she enter No 10 on Tuesday.

Voting has now finished and the result of the Tory leadership contest will be announced on Monday - bringing to a close an eight-week battle for the keys to 10 Downing Street following Boris Johnson's resignation speech in July.

The Queen will receive Mr Johnson on Tuesday at Balmoral where he will formally tender his resignation.

This will be followed by an audience with the new Tory leader, where they will be invited to form a government.

On her new Sunday show, Kuenssberg will ask both Ms Truss and Mr Sunak how they will help families and businesses meet this rising cost over the winter months, the presenter said.

Ms Truss, widely considered to be the favourite to succeed Mr Johnson as prime minister, has not yet detailed exactly how she would help people pay their bills.

But writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the foreign secretary promised "immediate action" on energy bills and supply.

Ms Truss said she will take a "two-fold" approach to the crisis - offering immediate financial support for households and businesses while also trying to solve the problems exposed by the impacts of Covid and war in Ukraine.

The cost-of-living crisis and what should be done to tackle it has been one of the key dividing lines during the leadership contest.

The foreign secretary has said she would tackle the crisis by putting money back into people's pockets, such as by immediately reversing the National Insurance rise and suspending the green levy on energy bills.

Mr Sunak, meanwhile, has pledged to cut VAT on energy bills, a plan that would cost £5bn, and has unveiled a plan to find a further £5bn to help the poorest households.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said neither Mr Sunak or Ms Truss had grasped the scale of the problems facing the country, warning a new Tory leader would not mark a "new dawn".

Sir Keir warned the "centre is not holding" and that things are "falling apart", stressing his own pragmatism and desire for progress on energy bills, the NHS and crime.

He wrote in the Sunday Telegraph: "I came to politics after a long career. That makes me impatient.

"It also means I favour common-sense, practical solutions over ideological purity. If I were stepping into Downing Street this week, I'd ensure no-one would pay a penny more for their energy bill this winter."

Source: BBC
Image source: MSBM