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Nestle CEO: I'm Not A 'Mega Deal' Maker

September 29, 2022

Food group Nestle is in no hurry to acquire companies given rich valuations and will stick to its traditionally cautious approach to deals, its chief executive told a conference on Thursday.

"I've done hundreds of deals in my life, the largest one ever was Starbucks at 7 billion so I'm not a 'mega deal' maker," Mark Schneider said in a discussion organised by Bernstein.

The maker of KitKat chocolate bars and Nespresso portioned coffee has been adjusting its portfolio under Schneider's leadership, gearing it more towards high-margin premium products.

"I'm a strong believer in that statement by former U.S. President Obama: don't do stupid stuff. That to me in M&A is sort of the guiding light. You have to stay level-headed, down to earth, even if something looks attractive on paper it has to add up in all components," he said.

"If in a year no major deal happens, we can live with that," Schneider said. "We're not in a rush, we have lots of ways to grow our business next to M&A. Deals are optional because in most categories we have strong market shares."

Schneider said valuations were still quite rich, also for small to mid-sized deals, but at least these smaller deals were offering better prospects to earn back the costs.

Source: Reuters
Image source: Nestle