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8 Skills Employers Will Demand For The Next 10 Years

January 7, 2023

Globalisation, Covid, increasing political instability and automation are rapidly changing the workplace. Companies are embracing new techniques and technologies to avoid operational disruptions and enhance their performance in the dynamic business environment. They are relying more on key technical skills as businesses go digital. These realities are having considerable impacts on the earning potential and demand for skills in the job market.  

Whether you plan to boost your career or diversify this year, we have outlined below 8 of the in-demand skills that will remain relevant for the next 10 years. The list is based on technical reports from Glassdoor, Adobe, Future Learn, Pearson, World Economic Forum (WEF) and job postings on LinkedIn and Upwork. Most of these skills support remote and hybrid working.

8 skills employers will demand for the next 10 years

1. Web/Application Development
Today, a company may not have physical presence in all countries. But through its website and (mobile) applications, it can get its services across borders. Therefore, specialist engineers (Frontend, Backend and Full Stack Developers) are needed to develop software, websites and applications to provide innovative solutions. IT automation and artificial intelligence skills are essential to remain relevant in these roles.

2. Data Science and Analysis
It’s the era of a data-driven economy and businesses require data to make informed decisions. Organisations need big data specialists to generate, clean, process and interpret data using advanced techniques, gain insights and make projections about the future. Data scientists develop tools to automate the collection and processing of data, including programs for visualisation, dashboards and reports. Tools used for data analysis include Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Tableau, SQL, Python or R.

3. User Experience
Information and products are strategically designed and presented to get the best results. Companies demand user experience specialists to design digital and physical products, information (texts, images, etc.) and services for excellent impact and user interaction. Research, writing, IT automation, artificial intelligence and creativity are key skills for these roles.

4. Teaching and Research
If there is one thing that will never go out of fashion, it is learning. As the world population increases, educational professionals are constantly required to transfer knowledge to the younger generations. Researchers are needed to birth innovative solutions to existing and future problems. Therefore, research and teaching or coaching skills are lifelong skills. Learning new things, including technical skills, and how to use digital technologies to collect and analyse data and deliver training, will boost your earning potential as an instructor.

5. Digital Marketing and SEO
According to the report by World Economic Forum (WEF), telemarketers are at high risk of losing their jobs to automation. But so are traditional field marketers. Many companies have embraced digital marketing for wider reach and personalised and cost-effective advertisements. Unlike mainstream marketing, digital marketing gives instant insights and is adjustable to reflect budget control. Digital marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) are considered skills for the future.

6. Graphic Design
Graphic design is another digital skill for the future. Graphic artists contribute to information design and user experience. They are required to give a visual presentation of ideas and messages for maximum impact. Creativity, innovativeness and the ability to use digital tools to combine images and texts to pass accurate information are strong skills employers of the future will need. Graphic designers are crucial for web content, digital marketing and product design.

7. Project Management
Companies will continue to require the coordinating skills of experienced professionals to plan, manage and deliver new products and projects.  Project managers help to coordinate human, financial and material resources to achieve desired project objectives. Most professionals do not start out as project managers. Over the course of their careers, they develop and deploy technical, budgeting, management, strategic planning, communication, leadership and organisational skills to manage projects. Professional project managers go a step further by acquiring relevant certifications and affiliations.

8. Communication and Conflict Management
Communication is an indispensable factor in the workplace. In fact, according to communication experts, organisations are communicatively constituted. Without effective communication, all other business activities and processes like coordination, management, leadership, teamwork and relationships will crumble. Effective internal communication aids organisational performance and helps to prevent and resolve conflicts among professionals with diverse backgrounds working in teams or groups. Externally, effective communication is also required to manage marketing campaigns, crises, reputation, brands and image.
Closing Thoughts
To stay relevant to employers and build a successful professional life, the ability to learn new things and quickly adapt to change is becoming more crucial. Enhance your career by developing diverse skills and acquiring strong digital literacy. Follow trends in your industry and the job market to update your skills to join the indispensable future workforce.

Image: Pexels