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UK Police Appeal For Help To Identify Man Who Does Not Know Who He Is

January 9, 2023

Police in England have appealed for help to identify a man who does not know who he is or where he is from.

The man, believed to be aged 40 to 50, was found in Weymouth, Dorset, on Wednesday, September 28.

He has an eastern European accent and his first language is believed to be Latvian.

Dorset Police Constable Becky Barnes said: "We have been continuing to conduct enquiries to try to establish the identity of this man, which have included contact with Interpol and other partner agencies.

"However, we have still been unable to confirm an identity and he has not been able to tell us who he is or provide any information about where he is from or his family.

"He remains in the safe care of the health service and his appearance has changed somewhat since he was first found as he has now cut his hair and beard.

"I am therefore issuing updated images of the man in case it might assist anyone who has information relating to his identity."
When he was found, he had long, matted, brown hair, a beard and was wearing a black motorcycle helmet with no visor and a black leather jacket.

He was also wearing a black shirt, a pair of black suit trousers on top of another pair of black trousers, brown work boots and was carrying a black rucksack.

He is 5ft 9in tall and of slim build.

Source: The National
Image: PA