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Search Ancient Roman Bath Complex Discovered On Beach In Southern Spain

May 22, 2021

A well-preserved ancient Roman bath complex has emerged from the sands of a beach in southern Spain.
The researchers from the University of Cádiz (UCA) found well-preserved Roman baths with walls more than 13 feet high at the Caños de Meca beach in Spain's Andalusia region, the university said in a statement.
Only two rooms have been excavated so far, with most of the site remaining untouched. UCA said the site is estimated to spread over 2.5 acres.
The walls of the two excavated rooms had been covered by sand "after their abandonment in Late Antiquity," UCA said.
Some medieval ceramics from the 12th and 13th centuries were also found near the baths.
At a separate UCA excavation on Andalusia's Cape Trafalgar, at least seven Roman salting pools -- used to preserve food -- were found, with depths ranging from 5 feet to 6.5 feet.
UCA said some "remains of Roman preserves" were found in two of the pools.
As well as the Roman artifacts, they also discovered an intact prehistoric tomb at the Cape Trafalgar site.
The university said the burial site was 4,000 years old and contained the remains of several individuals.
"It is wonderful," Patricia del Pozo, Andalusia's culture minister, said, adding that the excavations showed that the region was "an ​​incredibly attractive area for all types of civilizations, which endows us with incredible history."
Last year, authorities inadvertently discovered a collection of ancient Roman containers, called amphorae, while inspecting a seafood store in Alicante, eastern Spain.
The officers brought the finds to the attention of Spain's Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, which determined that the containers were likely from the Roman Empire and could date back to the first century.

Source: CNN
Image Source: Getty Images