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UFOs? Ask Obama, Biden Quips When Questioned About Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon

May 22, 2021

The truth may be out there — but President Joe Biden isn’t saying so.

The president ducked a question Friday on "unidentified aerial phenomena" — the subject of renewed interest as the Senate awaits a report from U.S. intelligence agencies on the matter — when a reporter asked him about recent remarks by his former boss.

 “President Obama says there is footage and records of objects in the sky — these unidentified aerial phenomena — and he says we don’t know exactly what they are. What do you think?” a reporter asked Biden near the end of a joint news conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House.

Biden smiled and responded, “I would ask him again,” before thanking everyone and exiting so quickly he didn’t take his translation earpiece out.

 While UFOs have been part of American lore for decades, this moment comes as there has been increased traction in recent years about UFOs after several leaked photos and videos from the U.S. Navy that appeared to show mysterious flying objects in U.S. airspace.

Earlier this week, Obama appeared on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" on CBS and admitted, albeit in a humorous context, that the U.S. government cannot exactly explain the videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon.

"What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are," he said."We can't explain how they move, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that people still take it seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is."

U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena'' to Congress next month, but the report has been delayed. The news has generated more speculation into how the government has handled sightings of mysterious flying objects — and if there's any worldly explanation for them.

The unclassified report, compiled by the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense, aims to make public what the Pentagon has known about unidentified flying objects and data analyzed from such encounters.

Source: NBC
Image Source: Getty Images