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Two boys, 12 years old, found guilty of Shawn Seesahai murder in Wolverhampton

June 11, 2024

Two 12-year-old boys have been found guilty of the murder of Shawn Seesahai, 19, who was killed in an apparently unprovoked machete attack in a Wolverhampton park in November.

The pair, who cannot be named because of their age, have become two of the youngest convicted murderers in the UK.

One of the boys used a machete to slash Seesahai’s legs and stabbed him through the heart.

The court heard that Seesahai sustained injuries to his back and legs, a fractured skull and a 23cm-deep machete wound that went through almost his entire body.

One of the boys previously admitted possessing the machete used to kill Seesahai but blamed his co-defendant for stabbing the victim.

More details soon …

SOURCE: The Guardian
MAGE: Sky News