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'Close to the Point of No Return': Putin issues ominous warning in attack on West

June 14, 2024

The "selfishness and hypocrisy of Western countries" have led to a "dangerous turn of events," bringing us "close to a point of no return," Vladimir Putin warned.

Speaking at a meeting with Russian foreign ministry officials, the Kremlin leader issued a grim warning, accusing Washington of undermining global security by withdrawing from arms agreements. He also asserted that the West's seizure of Russian assets would "not remain unpunished."

"Washington has unilaterally withdrawn from various arms control treaties," he said.

"The selfishness and arrogance of Western states have led to the current extremely dangerous state of affairs. We have come unacceptably close to the point of no return."

Putin criticised calls to strategically defeat Russia, which possesses the largest nuclear arsenal, as demonstrating the extreme recklessness of Western politicians.

"They either do not understand the scale of the threat they create or are simply obsessed with their belief in their own impunity and exclusivity. Both of these attitudes can result in tragedy."

In 2019, the US formally withdrew from a key nuclear treaty with Russia. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), signed by former US president Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987, banned missiles with ranges between 310 to 3,400 miles. The US claimed the treaty undermined its national security interests and pulled out of it.

In 2023, Russia suspended its participation in the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with the US, which limits the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the US and Russia can deploy.