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Shooting in Detroit Suburb Injures 9, Leaving an 8-year-old in Critical Condition

June 16, 2024

Nine people were injured, including two children and their mother, after a shooter opened fire at a splash pad in Rochester Hills, a Detroit suburb, where families had gathered to escape the summer heat on Saturday. Authorities tracked the suspect to a home, where the man died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.

An 8-year-old boy was critically injured after being shot in the head, and his mother was also in critical condition with wounds to her abdomen and leg. The boy’s 4-year-old brother was in stable condition with a leg injury. Initially, authorities believed up to 10 people had been shot, but that number was revised after confirming with area hospitals.

The other six victims, all aged 30 or older, were stable. This group included a couple and a 78-year-old man. The shooting occurred just after 5 p.m. at a city park featuring a splash pad, a recreation area with sprays and fountains of water on a nonslip surface.

Sheriff Mike Bouchard explained during a news conference that the attack appeared to be random. The shooter drove to the park, walked to the splash pad, and fired up to 28 shots, pausing multiple times to reload. The motive behind the shooting remains unclear as authorities continue their investigation.