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Ghana Launches Africa’s Largest Floating Solar Project in Africa

June 17, 2024

Ghana has inaugurated West Africa's largest floating solar photovoltaic (PV) system at the Bui generating station in the Bono region.

This 5-megawatt facility is part of a hybrid plant that combines solar and hydroelectric resources, marking a significant milestone towards Ghana's goal of generating 10% of its electricity from renewables by 2030.

The floating solar PV system will contribute to the national grid while conserving land and promoting aquatic ecosystems.

The floating PV panels are beneficial in several ways: they provide a conducive environment for fish spawning and protect aquatic life from overheating. These ecological benefits have been highlighted by engineers who note the system's positive impact on the environment.

However, the project has faced controversy. The construction of the facility resulted in the displacement of over a thousand residents from eight different communities.

Additionally, there have been significant environmental concerns, including the flooding of national parkland and farmlands in the region. Downstream fishermen have also complained that the project negatively affects their activities.

Despite these challenges, the floating solar PV system represents a significant step towards sustainable energy development in Ghana, thereby balancing the needs for renewable energy with environmental and social considerations.
Image: https://iafrica.com/