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June 17, 2024

Tragedy struck as two shipwrecks off the coast of southern Italy cliamed the lives of at least 11 people while more than 60 are still at large. 
A total of 51 people thought to be migrants were picked up by a rescue ship run by a German air group.

Here are the details of the two shipwrecks off the coast of southern Italy ¹ ²:
- At least 11 people have died
- More than 60 are missing, including 26 children
- First shipwreck: 51 people were rescued by a German aid group, RESQSHIP, from a sinking wooden vessel
- Two of the rescued were unconscious and had to be cut free with an axe
- Ten bodies were found trapped on the ship's lower deck near Lampedusa
- Survivors came from Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
- Second shipwreck: 12 migrants were rescued, including a pregnant woman and two children
- A woman died immediately after landing, and the others are in serious condition
- Survivors reported 66 people missing, including 26 children
- Migrants possibly came from Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan
- Frontex, the EU border agency, is involved in the search and rescue operations
Source: https://www.westernslopenow.com/