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Democratic Power Broker, Donor Charged with Racketeering

June 17, 2024

The state's attorney general revealed today, Monday that a prominent Democrat power broker is facing racketeering and other charges in New Jersey. 

George Norcross, a well-known businessman  is facing the charges in connection to government-issued tax credits.

According to  State Attorney General, Matt Platkin alleged Norcross and others got property rights along the state's Camden waterfront and collected millions of dollars in state-backed tax credits.

Prosecutors also alleged Norcoss and his associates "used their political influence to tailor New Jersey economic development legislation to their preferences. 

Members and associates of the Norcross Enterprise connived, and did extort and coerce others after the legislation was enacted in September 2013, to obtain — for certain individuals and business entities — properties and property rights on the Camden, New Jersey waterfront and associated tax incentive credits."

According to the indictment, George Norcross is accused of leading a criminal enterprise that engaged in extortion, threats, and other criminal offences to achieve its goals.

The indictment also names several co-defendants, including Norcross' brother Philip, a lobbyist, Bill Tambussi, a lawyer, Dana Redd, the former Mayor of Camden, Sidney Brown, the CFO of NFI, and John O'Donnell, a businessman.

Despite never holding elected office, Norcross held significant influence in New Jersey politics and was a member of the Democratic National Committee. His connections to powerful Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been widely reported. The case alleges a significant abuse of power and corruption in New Jersey politics.
Source: https://www.foxnews.com/ 
Image: https://www.foxnews.com/