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Will South Africa’s New Coalition Gov’t Change Tack on Israel-Palestine?

June 17, 2024


South Africa's decision to take Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on allegations of genocide in Gaza, led by the ruling African National Congress (ANC), received international support from the Global South but faced mixed reactions from domestic political parties.

While the ANC's move was applauded by many nations, the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), who initially opposed the decision, later began conditionin their support on Israel's adherence to the ICJ's interim rulings.

The right-wing Patriotic Alliance (PA) dismissed the move as a "joke". This highlights the complexities of South Africa's political landscape and the varying perspectives on international relations and human rights issues.


The African National Congress (ANC) has formed a coalition government with the Democratic Alliance (DA), Patriotic Alliance (PA), and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) after failing to secure a majority in the May elections.

This development raises questions about South Africa's future stance on Israel and Palestine. Despite the ANC's assurance that their support for Palestine remains unchanged, analysts suggest that the coalition government may require internal compromises on this issue.

This could potentially impact South Africa's leadership in global efforts to hold Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza, which have resulted in significant human suffering and loss of life. The shift in South Africa's political landscape may influence its approach to this critical international issue.

The formation of a coalition government in South Africa has raised questions about the potential impact on the country's foreign policy, particularly with regards to its stance on Israel and Palestine.

The African National Congress (ANC) has historically been a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause, but its coalition partners, such as the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Patriotic Alliance (PA), have expressed more neutral or even pro-Israel views.

The coalition agreement includes a clause on foreign policy, emphasizing principles such as human rights, constitutionalism, and solidarity, but it remains to be seen how these principles will be applied in practice.

While the ANC has assured that it will maintain its support for Palestine, analysts speculate that the coalition government may adopt a more nuanced or compromised stance on the issue. The outcome will depend on the balance of power within the coalition and the priorities of the governing parties.
Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/ 
Image: https://www.aljazeera.com/