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Breaking:Thailand to Become First Southeast Asian Nation to Legalise Same-sex Marriage

June 18, 2024

Thailand is set to become the first country in Southeast Asia to legalise same-sex marriage after the Senate's approval of a marriage equality bill.

The bill, which was passed with 130 senators in favour and only four opposed, now awaits the king's formal endorsement, a procedural step before it becomes law. Once endorsed, the law will come into effect 120 days after being published in the royal gazette.

This development places Thailand alongside Taiwan and Nepal as the only countries in Asia with marriage equality. Panyaphon Phiphatkhunarnon, founder of the Love Foundation, hailed the bill as a monumental advancement for LGBTQ+ rights, noting its significant potential to improve countless lives and promote a more equitable society.

The bill grants LGBTQ+ couples the same legal rights as heterosexual couples, including inheritance, adoption, and healthcare decision-making rights.

Panyaphon emphasized the bill's broader societal impact, suggesting it would foster acceptance and inclusion, encourage the younger generation to live authentically, and enhance Thailand's reputation as a progressive, inclusive destination, benefiting both tourism and business sectors.

Local residents Pokpong Jitjaiyai and Watit Benjamonkolchai expressed their joy and plans to marry once the law is enacted. They hope the bill will inspire similar changes globally, underscoring the message that "love is love."

Despite past legislative setbacks and a 2020 Constitutional Court ruling upholding the traditional definition of marriage, the bill's passage reflects broad political support.

Major parties, including the progressive Move Forward Party and Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's Pheu Thai Party, have advocated for marriage equality. Prime Minister Srettha, who participated in Pride Month celebrations, reaffirmed his government's commitment to social equality and expressed ambitions to host World Pride in 2030.

This legislative milestone is seen as a significant step in cementing Thailand's status as one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly countries in the region.
Source: https://edition.cnn.com/ 
Image: https://www.abc.net.au/news