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Biden Announces New Policy Shielding Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens from Deportation

June 18, 2024

The Biden administration is enacting executive action to protect undocumented spouses of American citizens from deportation which affects approximately 500,000 individuals.

Announced as a measure to "keep families together," this election-year policy aims to bolster support among Latino voters in key states, following pressure from immigration advocates and Democratic lawmakers.

Lawmakers have been briefed on the plan, and some have been invited to the White House for the announcement.

An immigration advocate highlighted the significance of the policy, comparing it to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

In anticipation of potential challenges, the White House emphasized its commitment to securing the border and dismantling smuggling networks.

The administration underscored President Biden's belief in maintaining lawful pathways, reuniting families, and recognising the contributions of long-term undocumented immigrants who pay taxes and integrate into their communities.

The statement also noted that the spouses eligible to apply must have been in the U.S. for 23 years on average.

The program would make it less cumbersome for some undocumented immigrants to get a green card and a path to U.S. citizenship.

Sources also say that undocumented spouses would be allowed to obtain work permits depending on their particular situation.
Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/ 
Image: https://edition.cnn.com/