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Illegal Immigrant in Custody for Broad Daylight Sex Attack in Queens Park

June 18, 2024

An Ecuadorian illegal immigrant is in NYPD custody following a brutal daylight sexual assault in Queens. According to police sources, the machete-wielding suspect approached two 13-year-olds, a boy and a girl, tied them together by the wrists, and raped the girl at Kissena Park.

The attack occurred Thursday, around 3 miles from Citi Field and near landmarks such as the 1964 World's Fair site and the U.S. Open.

The girl attends a school in the neighborhood. Law enforcement sources informed Fox News that police arrested the Ecuadorian man on Monday evening. He had entered the U.S. illegally in 2021.

Neighbours recognised the suspect from a wanted poster, subdued him, and called 911. The suspect was found shirtless, missing a shoe, and had visible bruises after residents intervened. The NYPD had been offering a $10,000 reward and had obtained surveillance footage showing the suspect on a bicycle before his arrest.

Wielding a macheten, he had previously attacked two teens  as they were walking during the day and forced them into a wooded area. After the assault, he stole their cellphones and fled.

The NYPD describes the suspect as a Hispanic male in his 20s, with braces and a distinctive tattoo of a horned animal with red eyes on his chest.

The suspect had several prior low-level offenses, including subway fare evasion and public drinking. The swift action by local residents and police has been crucial in bringing the suspect into custody.

This incident has shocked the community and highlights ongoing concerns about public safety and the complexities surrounding immigration enforcement.
Image: https://nypost.com/