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Breaking: Jury Discharged in trial of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon over Death of Newborn Baby

June 19, 2024

The jury in the trial of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon has been discharged after failing to reach a verdict. 

Marten, 37, from a wealthy family, and Gordon, 50, faced charges related to the death of their newborn daughter Victoria, including manslaughter and causing or allowing the death of a child. Both defendants deny any wrongdoing.

The trial gained significant attention following a nationwide search for the couple after a placenta was found in their burnt-out car on a motorway in Bolton, Greater Manchester, in January 2023. 

Jurors deliberated for approximately 60 hours and were given a majority direction, allowing Judge Mark Lucraft KC to accept verdicts agreed upon by nine out of the ten jurors. 

However, the jury was unable to reach a consensus, leading to their dismissal on Wednesday.

Updates will be provided as more details become available. 
Source: Sky news