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Breaking: Baby Girl Dies after Attack by Pet Dog at Home

June 19, 2024

A seven-month-old baby girl has died after being attacked by her family's pet dog at their home in Coventry, West Midlands. 

The tragic incident occurred on Sunday, and the baby sustained serious head injuries. Despite receiving immediate medical treatment and being rushed to the hospital, she passed away shortly after.

West Midlands Police reported that the dog, not classified as a dangerous breed, was removed from the home and euthanised. 

The police responded to the call at Shorncliffe Road shortly after 3 PM, arriving alongside ambulance services within minutes. Despite the efforts of paramedics, the baby girl's injuries proved fatal.

In a statement, the police expressed their condolences to the family and confirmed that an investigation is underway. The details surrounding the incident are still being examined, and the authorities are continuing their enquiries.
Source: Sky news
Image: People