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Breaking: Tory Candidate Facing Gambling Probe is Married to Party's Campaign Director

June 20, 2024

Laura Saunders, the Conservative candidate for Bristol North West, is under investigation by the Gambling Commission. 

This probe has garnered additional attention due to her marriage to Tony Lee, the Conservative Party's director of campaigning. 

The inquiry is part of a broader investigation involving a small number of individuals, as confirmed by the Conservative Party.

Key Points

The Gambling Commission is investigating allegations related to betting activities, including betting on the upcoming election date.

Cabinet minister Michael Gove mentioned that two individuals are under this investigation.


Laura Saunders is married to Tony Lee, which raises potential conflicts of interest given his influential role in the party's campaign strategies.

The Conservative Party has acknowledged being contacted by the Gambling Commission.

 Michael Gove described the situation as "deeply disturbing" but emphasized that it is an "exception rather than the rule."

Related Incidents

   - A close protection officer for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been arrested and suspended over alleged election timing bets.

   - Craig Williams, the Prime Minister's parliamentary aide, is also under investigation for betting on a July election date.

Broader Implications

This investigation could have significant repercussions for the Conservative Party, particularly regarding their internal governance and the integrity of their campaign operations. 

It highlights potential conflicts of interest and the necessity for transparency and ethical conduct within political campaigns. 

The outcome of this investigation and any subsequent actions taken by the party or the Gambling Commission will be closely watched.
Source and Image: Sky news