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Breaking News: Actor Donald Sutherland dies aged 88

June 20, 2024

Actor Donald Sutherland, renowned for his roles in films such as "The Hunger Games" and "Animal House," has passed away at the age of 88 after a prolonged illness.

His son, Kiefer Sutherland, announced his father's death in a heartfelt statement: "With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, has passed away. I personally think he was one of the most important actors in the history of film," he said. "Never daunted by a role, good, bad, or ugly. He loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never ask for more than that. A life well lived."

Donald Sutherland's illustrious career included standout performances in films such as "The Dirty Dozen," "MASH," "Klute," and "Don’t Look Now." 

The Canadian actor gained widespread recognition for his breakout role as Hawkeye Pierce, a surgeon in the TV show "MASH" during the 1970s.

Source: BBC
Image: The Independent