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Breaking: All Flights from Manchester Airport Facing Cancellations and Severe Delays after Power Cut

June 23, 2024

Manchester Airport has advised passengers scheduled to travel from Terminals 1 or 2 not to come to the airport until further notice due to severe disruptions caused by a "major power cut." Passengers are advised to contact their airlines for updated information.

A power supply issue in the local area affected the airport and several other buildings, leading to flight cancellations and significant delays. 

Although power has been restored, the airport is working to get passengers already at the airport onto flights as soon as possible, but baggage may not be on some flights. 

Images from inside the airport show long queues of passengers facing delays. While Terminals 1 and 2 are severely impacted, flights from Terminal 3 are also experiencing some delays. 

Passengers due to fly from Terminal 3 should come to the airport as usual unless advised otherwise by their airline. 

Arriving flights are being diverted to other airports, so those picking up passengers should check flight statuses before travelling.

The airport is working to restore all services but has not provided a specific timeline for resolution. Airlines will arrange onward journeys for those whose flights are cancelled.
Source: Sky news