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Breaking: Father Trying to Drown Children at Connecticut Beach Detained by Police

June 23, 2024

A father was stopped by police while attempting to drown his two small children at a beach in West Haven, Connecticut, authorities reported. 

An officer patrolling the area around 2:30 AM local time noticed a parked Nissan SUV on the beach and heard significant screaming from the water.

Upon investigating, the officer found an adult male and two small children in the water. 

As the officer approached, the man continued to move further away from shore with the children, screaming at the officers to stay back. It quickly became clear to the police that the man was intentionally trying to drown the children.

Officers entered the water and managed to reach the man and the children about 100 yards from the shore. The first officer on the scene reached the children, and additional officers helped bring them safely to shore.
Source: Sky news