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Could Joe Biden Be Replaced as the Democratic Nominee?

June 28, 2024

Joe Biden's stumbling performance in the US presidential debate has raised concerns among Democrats, but the process to replace a candidate against their will is exceptionally challenging and unprecedented in modern US politics.

A national US party has never successfully forced an election candidate to step down in the modern era. In 2016, both major parties faced similar concerns but took no action. Currently, there is no known effort to force Biden to step aside.

To replace Biden, Democratic officials would need to overturn the results of the state primaries, where Biden emerged as the overwhelming choice for the November election. 

The 81-year-old won nearly all the delegates, who are expected to confirm his nomination at the Democratic National Convention on August 19.

A nominee can be replaced if they die, resign, or are incapacitated. However, forcibly removing Biden would require delegates to choose another candidate. 

This is highly unlikely, as delegates are chosen for their loyalty to the president and their commitment to vote for him at the convention.

Potential Loophole in Democratic Rules

Democratic rules include a potential "loophole" allowing delegates to "in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them." If concerns about Biden's performance and mental acuity reach a critical level, this could provide a way forward. 

However, this scenario remains improbable given the current delegate support for Biden.

Biden’s debate performance has been described as an "unmitigated disaster" by some, further fueling the discussion about his capabilities. 

However, with no active efforts to replace him and the loyalty of his delegates, any move to force him out would be unprecedented and extremely difficult to execute.
Source: sky news