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Trump Overcharged Secret Service Agents to Stay at His D.C. Hotel

October 18, 2024

A new report from House Democrats accuses Donald Trump of overcharging the Secret Service for rooms at his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., while he was president, as well as profiting from foreign and domestic officials seeking favour or appointments in his administration.

The investigation, led by the House Oversight Committee, highlights how Trump allegedly used his presidency to enrich his private business, benefiting from payments that could violate the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Among the key allegations, the report claims that Trump's hotels charged the Secret Service up to 300% more than the government rate for rooms while protecting Trump’s family. It also points out that various officials, including U.S. ambassadors and pardon seekers, spent significant sums at Trump's hotel, raising ethical concerns.

The report, which focuses on just 11 months of Trump's presidency from 2017 to 2018, examined $300,000 in payments to Trump's businesses, suggesting potential violations of the emoluments clause. However, the report does not suggest direct penalties for Trump but calls for Congress to strengthen anti-corruption legislation to prevent future violations.
Source: NBC News