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Putin's Top General Calls US Military Chief in Highly Unusual Move amid Escalation Fears

December 6, 2024

By Evans Momodu
1 minure read 

In a rare and unexpected development, one of Russia's top generals reached out to the United States' leading military official to discuss strategies for managing potential escalation between the two nations.

This direct communication highlights heightened concerns over the risk of confrontation as tensions between Russia and the West remain elevated.

While the specifics of the conversation have not been disclosed, such high-level dialogue between military officials of adversarial nations is uncommon and underscores the urgency of preventing unintended escalation.

Simultaneously, reports from Ukraine indicate that its military intelligence successfully executed a cyberattack on one of Russia's largest banks. The attack represents a new front in the ongoing conflict, where digital warfare has increasingly become a critical battlefield.

These events point to a precarious balance as both nations navigate their rivalry amid a volatile geopolitical climate, with efforts to mitigate risks alongside escalating unconventional warfare tactics.
Source: Sky news