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Keir Starmer Puts UK Economy First as He Defies Critics of His Saudi Arabia Trip

December 10, 2024

By Evans Momodu
3 minute read

UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has defended his visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, emphasizing the importance of international trade and investment to drive economic growth in the UK.

During his three-day trip to the region, Sir Keir met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite facing criticism over human rights concerns in Saudi Arabia.

Sir Keir stressed that boosting the UK economy is his top priority, stating that securing contracts and foreign investment is vital to improving living standards. Recent deals with Saudi Arabia have reportedly created 4,000 UK jobs.

The visit has sparked criticism from human rights groups and individuals, including Hanan Elatr Khashoggi, the widow of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

She urged Sir Keir to press the Crown Prince for answers about her husband's death. Advocacy group Reprieve also called on the prime minister to raise the cases of Abdullah al Howaiti and Abdullah al Derazi, who face the death penalty in Saudi Arabia for alleged crimes committed as minors.

While Sir Keir criticised Boris Johnson’s 2022 approach to Saudi relations, he maintained that engaging with Saudi Arabia as a key trade partner is essential for the UK. He emphasized the need to balance economic priorities with promoting UK values.

The visit is part of a broader strategy to secure international partnerships and economic opportunities. However, it highlights the challenge of reconciling economic interests with ethical considerations, particularly in dealings with nations criticised for their human rights records.

Sir Keir has not publicly commented on whether he addressed specific human rights cases during his discussions, though such issues remain a focal point of criticism regarding his trip.
Source: Sky news