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Cheapest Supermarket of 2024 Revealed as Loyalty Prices Heat up Competition

January 6, 2025

By Evans Momodu
1 minute read

Aldi has been crowned the cheapest supermarket of 2024, edging out its rival Lidl. The consumer group tracked thousands of grocery prices throughout the year and found Aldi consistently offered the lowest price for a basket of 56 essential items, including milk, butter, and bread.

Shoppers saved an average of £393 annually by choosing Aldi over Waitrose, the most expensive alternative.

In December, Aldi's basket cost £100.29 on average, while Lidl's equivalent was £101.48 with its loyalty scheme Lidl Plus, or £101.56 without.

Lidl maintained its second-place position for smaller shops throughout the year, trailing Aldi by a narrow margin.

For larger trolley shops of 150 items, Asda was deemed the cheapest for nine months of the year. However, Tesco’s Clubcard prices posed a strong challenge, making Tesco the cheapest option for three out of the seven months since loyalty prices were factored into the analysis from June 2024.

In December, Tesco claimed the top spot for larger shops at £410.40 with a Clubcard, followed by Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, and Asda at £415.56.

Aldi and Lidl were excluded from this category because they do not always stock all the products in the larger shopping list.

This highlights the increasingly competitive grocery market, with loyalty schemes playing a key role in influencing consumer choices.
Source: Sky news 
Image: The Mirror