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The UK Launches New Investigation into Google and Apple

January 24, 2025

By Evans Momodu
1 minute read


The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has launched a new investigation into tech giants Google and Apple, just over a week after announcing a separate inquiry into Google alone.

The move comes despite the recent dismissal of CMA chair by Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds, who urged the regulator to focus on "pro-business decisions" to "supercharge the economy."

In announcing the investigation, CMA chief executive Sarah Cardell highlighted its potential to drive economic growth. "More competitive mobile ecosystems could foster innovations and opportunities across services millions rely on, including app stores, browsers, and operating systems," she said.

"Better competition could also support growth in the UK by enabling businesses to deliver new, innovative products and services on Apple and Google platforms."

The investigation will scrutinise mobile phone services, examining whether Apple and Google engaged in exploitative practices, such as imposing unfair terms and conditions on app developers as a requirement for hosting their apps on the App Store and Google Play.
Source: Sky news
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