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MSBM Joins Tiktok

July 7, 2021

In a bid to encourage community building and interaction between British Business School MSBM and its thousands of international students, the Metropolitan School of Management UK has joined Tiktok.

This is in line with the Business School’s goals to employ cutting-edge technologies to make top-quality professional education accessible to millions of people.

Value-creation has always been a major goal of the organization. Therefore, as people are being increasingly bombarded with data, it was imperative that we took the initiative by providing value in short, digestible formats, from which our learners can pick up nuggets of wisdom to apply in their daily and professional lives.

As this burgeoning school continues to pioneer executive/professional education, there is little doubt that its mission of utilizing modern technologies to provide practical and career-enhancing British education to thousands of learners will continue to be achieved.

To learn more and earn the necessary qualifications to catapult your career to new heights, register for a professional course here

Follow MSBM on TikTok: @msbmuk.