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Russia Says It Has Sent 900 Ukrainian Soldiers To Prison Camp; U.S. Re-opens Embassy In Kyiv

May 19, 2022

Russia says it has sent 900 Ukrainian soldiers to a former prison colony in a Russia-controlled part of Donetsk.

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine is likely to continue throughout the summer and possibly beyond, despite signs that parts of the country are returning to some normalcy, Ukraine’s presidential advisor Oleksii Arestovych said, according to NBC News.

“It is quite clear to me that this war is unlikely to end by the fall,” Arestovich said on Ukrainian TV, NBC News reported. It comes as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy seeks to extend martial law for another 90 days.

In some positive news, the U.S. reopened its embassy in Kyiv on Wednesday, having closed it for three months before and during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s presidential advisor says the war is unlikely to end by fall

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine is likely to continue through the summer and possibly beyond, despite signs that some parts of the country are returning to some normalcy, Ukraine’s presidential advisor Oleksii Arestovych said, NBC News cited.

“It is quite clear to me that this war is unlikely to end by the fall,” Arestovich said on Ukrainian TV. 

This comes as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy seeks to extend martial law for another 90 days, NBC News reported.

Since the war started on Feb. 24, martial law has been extended twice, with the current order set to end on May 25.

Source: CNBC 
Image Source: Pixabay