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Breaking: Four Arrested at Prime Minister's Constituency Home

June 25, 2024

Four men have been arrested at the prime minister's constituency home in North Yorkshire on suspicion of aggravated trespass.

North Yorkshire Police released a statement saying, "We have arrested four people in the grounds of the prime minister's constituency home this afternoon. Our officers were with the four men within one minute of them entering the grounds. They were detained at around 12:40 pm before being escorted off the property and arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass. The men, aged 52 from London, 43 from Bolton, 21 from Manchester, and 20 from Chichester, remain in police custody for questioning and enquiries are ongoing."

This incident follows a previous protest last summer when demonstrators scaled the roof of the prime minister's home, displaying "no new oil" banners while he and his family were on holiday in California. The protesters had draped the property in black fabric.
Source: sky news
mage: The Standard