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5 Management Skills for a Successful Management Career

November 2, 2022

Managers are business leaders who shoulder the responsibility of achieving organizational goals by making use of human, material and financial resources allocated for specific objectives. To succeed in their roles, successful managers deploy technical and soft skills in leading others to be productive. Below, you will find 5 of the essential skills you must possess to excel in a managerial position.

What are management skills?
Management skills are certain executive capabilities or abilities that executives demonstrate so as to accomplish specific tasks that enable the organisation to achieve its goal. These skills, like those of leadership, are vital at all levels of the organisation. They help managers work in harmony with their colleagues and subordinates, easing the execution of tasks. Businesses overcome challenges more easily and flourish better when skilled managers head the various departments in organisations.  

Management skills every manager needs
Here are 5 crucial skills you need to be an efficient manager.

Relationship skills
Managers are people working with people to achieve set goals. Successful managers are known for their relationship skills. Establishing and maintaining excellent relationships with team members is a catalyst for a smooth workflow. 

Relationship skills are needed for conflict resolution and building team morale. Team members feel great about working with managers with whom they feel comfortable and this is reflected in their level of productivity. Researchers found that happy workers are 13% more productive. Every successful manager is skillful at managing relationships.

2. Effective communication
Effective managers are adept at written and verbal communication, including the ability to listen actively.  You should be able to communicate with clients and individuals at all levels of the organisation via telephone, email, during presentations and at meetings.

Pass information clearly and professionally. Poor communication skills can disrupt work, endanger team members, lead to poor service delivery, cause confusion or ignite conflict. Therefore, effective communication skills are essential for a successful career in management.

4. Motivation
Tasks are completed faster and with greater quality when employees are motivated. Good managers are skilled at motivating employees. To keep your team motivated, avoid staying aloof. Give room for self-expression, innovative ideas and offer support to reiterate the strength of individual employees while helping to address areas of weakness.

Consistently recognise, praise and reward diligence and achievements.  Also, show genuine interest in the personal affairs of employees as this can influence productivity. 

4.    Strategic thinking and planning
Successful managers think and plan ahead by anticipating likely changes, challenges and potential opportunities. This way, they help to strategically position the organisation to transition seamlessly.

Strategic thinking and planning skills are crucial for operational stability and managing changes in economic policies and developments in the industry, especially regarding the activities of competitors. Strategic thinking and planning acumen will help you to deliver projects timely and achieve goals within set deadlines.

Problem-solving and decision-making
To excel in your management career, identifying and solving problems and taking informed decisions should be your strength. Demonstrating this will bolster your career, help your organisation stay out of frequent troubles and give your team members confidence in your capability. Developing the ability to provide solutions on the spot comes through learning and experience.

Problem-solving and decision-making skills are important for managers as decisions made will reflect either positively or negatively on the performance of the organisation.

Developing managerial skills
Management skills can be acquired through training and practice. Applying for internships, volunteering and part-time jobs gives young graduates the opportunity to learn from managers.

For experienced professionals and those who desire a change in career or prepare for promotions and management positions, applying for professional short courses and master’s programme in business management will equip them with advanced management skills. 

Our accredited online courses are self-paced, designed to accommodate personal and work schedules and are delivered on a hi-tech educational platform that gives learners lifetime access to regularly updated learning resources – thousands of recent journals, articles and eBooks. 

To access other business courses tailored to industry needs, check our catalogue of programmes. Apply to start your programme immediately.


Image source: Pixabay