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Trump makes his first visit to Capitol Hill since the January 6th riot

June 13, 2024

The presumptive Republican nominee for the upcoming presidential election was expected to outline his agenda for a second term in office. Later in the day, he was scheduled to meet with an association of 200 corporate leaders. Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic House Speaker, issued a statement condemning Trump's visit, labeling him as the "instigator of an insurrection" and accusing him of returning to the "scene of the crime." Trump's visit follows his recent criminal conviction for falsifying business records in New York.

Upon arriving at a Republican office near the US Capitol on Thursday morning, Trump encountered a small crowd of protesters holding signs denouncing his actions during the January 6th Capitol riot, including slogans such as "failed coup" and "Democracy Forever, Trump Never." His campaign officials stated that the purpose of the meetings was to promote unity within the Republican party.

House Speaker Mike Johnson praised Trump's energy and enthusiasm during the visit, expressing confidence in the party's prospects to reclaim the White House, Senate, and expand the House majority. Republican Senator Thom Tillis emphasized the critical link between winning the Senate majority and Trump's presidential victory, highlighting a unified party vision. Politico reported that before the visit, Trump urged Mr. Johnson to assist in overturning his recent conviction on 34 counts of falsifying documents in New York.

Mrs. Pelosi, in her statement, criticized Trump's Capitol Hill visit, asserting his ongoing efforts to undermine democracy and leaving a legacy of shame in American history. She emphasized that Trump's actions, including his role in the January 6th Capitol riot, have stained the halls of Congress and threatened democratic institutions.

Source: BBC

Image: The New Yorker