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Potentially Deadly Heat Wave Envelops Most Parts of the US

June 17, 2024

This week, the United States is set to experience a wide range of extreme weather conditions, with both scorching heat and unseasonable cold affecting various regions. Officials have issued warnings for residents in the Southwest to take precautions as a heat wave moves eastward, while heavy rains and flooding threaten the Gulf states, and snow is forecasted for parts of the Rockies and Northwest.

Heat Wave in the Southwest:

- Regions Affected: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas.
- Temperature Records:Phoenix recorded 44.4°C on Saturday, slightly easing to 43.3°C on Sunday. The first two weeks of June in Phoenix have been the hottest on record, averaging about 3°C higher than normal.
- Advisories: Over 63 million people are under heat advisories from the Southwest to Denver and into


- Recommendations: Officials advise reducing outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., staying hydrated, and wearing light, loose clothing.
- Cooling Measures: Phoenix has opened more than 100 cooling centers, including two new overnight centers. El Paso, Texas, also opened five cooling centres.
- Mortality: In 2023, Phoenix saw 645 heat-related deaths.

Heat Spreading Eastward:
- Plains and Great Lakes: The heat wave is expected to move into these areas by Sunday, with temperatures near 37.7°C.

- Northeast: By Tuesday, the heat will reach Washington, D.C., and the mid-Atlantic, with highs in the mid- to upper-30s°C and high humidity.

Cold Weather in the Northwest and Rockies:
- Winter Storm Warning: Parts of Montana and north-central Idaho could see up to 15 centimeters of snow, with higher elevations around Glacier National Park potentially receiving up to 51 centimeters.
- Affected Areas: Missoula, Montana, and surrounding mountain regions.

Heavy Rains and Flooding in the Gulf States:
- Regions Affected: Central Gulf Coast, including southern Florida.
- Forecast: Tropical moisture will bring heavy rain and potential flash flooding starting late Sunday into Monday.
- Recent Flooding: Southern Florida, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale, experienced significant flooding recently, with some areas receiving up to 50 centimeters of rain.

Severe Weather Forecast:
- Threats: Thunderstorms with high winds and heavy rainfall are expected in the Chicago area, with heat indices nearing 37.7°C mid-week.
- Hurricane Season: The early start of the hurricane season has coincided with these weather patterns, and this year is forecasted to be one of the most active hurricane seasons in recent memory.

Summary: This week’s weather extremes highlight the need for vigilance and preparedness across various regions of the U.S. Residents in affected areas are urged to follow safety guidelines, stay informed about local weather updates, and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their communities.
Source: https://www.voanews.com/ 
Image: https://www.nbcnews.com/