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'We will have to coexist and work together': Putin Follows Warning with More Conciliatory Remarks

June 14, 2024

More from Vladimir Putin's speech, which also featured a slightly more conciliatory note, suggesting the West should find a way to cooperate with Russia.

In his address at Russia's foreign ministry, Putin stated that the "Western model" of global security was failing, and it was time to establish a new, more stable system.

"Clearly, we are witnessing the collapse of the Euro-Atlantic security system. Today, it simply does not exist and needs to be essentially created anew," he said.

"This situation requires us, along with our partners and all interested countries—of which there are many—to develop our own security options for Eurasia, and then propose them for broader international discussion."

Putin emphasized the need to discuss a new security system for Europe and Eurasia, expressing Russia's openness to dialogue with everyone, including NATO.

"It is crucial to recognize that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries willing to participate in its creation. 'To all' means European and NATO countries as well," he said.

"We share the same continent. Regardless of what happens, geography cannot be changed. We will have to coexist and work together in some capacity."