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General Election Latest: Nigel Farage demands one-on-one debate with Starmer

June 14, 2024

Nigel Farage has challenged Sir Keir Starmer to a one-on-one debate.

At a press conference in central London this afternoon, the Reform Party leader announced his desire to debate the Labour leader on immigration.

He stated, “The BBC will be holding a leaders’ debate—a four-way debate with the leaders of the Liberal Democrats, the Conservatives, Labour, and the SNP. That takes place next week, and I think we can demand that the BBC include us in that debate.

“I would also very much like to have a head-to-head debate with Keir Starmer, and the reason is straightforward. We believe this should be the immigration election because whether it’s about rents, housing availability... there is no aspect of our national life that isn’t affected by the massive population crisis this country now faces.”

Farage argued that “nothing will change under Labour, and who knows, it may even get a little bit worse,” questioning why addressing mass migration wasn’t among Sir Keir’s top priorities.

He said, “Why, if you are seeking the votes of the working people of Britain, have you not made this one of your top six priorities?”
