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Breaking: The Ten Commandments Must be Displayed in Louisiana Classrooms

June 19, 2024

Louisiana has become the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom under a new law signed by Republican Governor Jeff Landry. 

The legislation requires that poster-sized displays of the Ten Commandments be placed in all public classrooms, including those in state-funded universities, with the text in large, easily readable font. 

 Key Points of the Legislation:

   The Ten Commandments must be displayed in all public school classrooms.

   The displays must be in place by the start of 2025.

   The posters will include a four-paragraph context statement about the historical significance of    the Ten Commandments in American public education.

   The posters will be funded through donations, not state funds.

   Schools are also authorised to display other historical documents such as the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, and the Northwest Ordinance, though these are not required.


The bill became law without Governor Landry's final approval as the time for gubernatorial action had lapsed.

 Proponents argue that the measure has historical significance and highlights foundational documents of the state and national government.


Opponents, including civil rights groups, argue the law is unconstitutional, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's 1980 ruling that a similar law in Kentucky violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Legal challenges are expected from organisations advocating for the separation of church and state.

The 1980 U.S. Supreme Court ruling found that a Kentucky law requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms was unconstitutional as it had no secular purpose and served a religious one.


Legal experts and civil rights organisations argue that Louisiana’s law could face similar judicial scrutiny and likely be challenged in court.

The law reflects the conservative shift in Louisiana’s state government, with Governor Landry’s leadership and the Republican supermajority in the legislature.


It is part of a broader conservative agenda being pushed through the legislature.

National Implications

Similar bills have been proposed in other states, including Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah, but none have successfully been made into law due to legal concerns.

Louisiana's success in passing this law could influence legislative efforts in other states.

Critics argue the law could alienate students of different religious beliefs and prevent an equal education environment.

Proponents believe it will emphasize the historical and moral foundations of the nation.

The expected legal challenges could lead to significant court rulings on the separation of church and state and the role of religion in public education.

This controversial law highlights the ongoing debate in the United States over religious displays in public spaces and the interpretation of the Constitution's establishment clause.
Source: USnews 
Image: NBC News