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Video Shows Hindu Mob Attacking Muslim-owned Shop in India

June 19, 2024

A recent incident in Nahan, India, has sparked significant tension and violence. A video captured a mob of Hindu nationalists ransacking the clothing shop of a Muslim man. The man's actions, posting a video of himself slaughtering a cow during the Islamic Eid al-Adha holiday, provoked outrage among the Hindu community. Cows are considered sacred in Hinduism, and their slaughter is deeply offensive to many Hindus.

Key Points:

   - The Muslim man posted a video of himself slaughtering a cow on Eid al-Adha.

   - In response, a Hindu mob targeted his clothing shop in Nahan, vandalising it.

   - Police intervened, managing to disperse the mob and close the shop.

   - Despite police efforts, the situation remains tense with ongoing threats from Hindu nationalist groups.

   - Reports indicate that Hindutva groups have been threatening other Muslim shop owners in the area to close their businesses.

   - This incident highlights the increasing religious tensions and communal violence in the region.


Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival where the slaughter of animals, including cows, is a common ritual to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God.

Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism on the other hand,  is an ideology seeking to establish the hegemony of Hindus and the Hindu way of life. It often leads to tensions with other religious communities, particularly Muslims.

India has a history of religious tensions, particularly between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority. Incidents like this exacerbate these tensions, leading to cycles of violence and retaliation.

This incident underscores the fragile nature of communal relations in India and the potential for religious provocations to escalate into violence. 

Effective measures and dialogue are necessary to address these deep-seated issues and promote peaceful coexistence.