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Breaking: Four Members of Britain's Richest Family Get Jail Sentences

June 21, 2024

Four members of Britain's richest family received prison sentences after being convicted of exploiting workers and providing unauthorised employment. 

Prakash Hinduja, his wife Kamal, their son Ajay, and his wife Namrata were sentenced to four to four-and-a-half years by a Swiss court. 

They were cleared of more serious human trafficking charges related to their servants, who were mostly illiterate Indians working at their Geneva villa. The court found the workers knew their circumstances. 

The defendants, who were not present in court, were accused of seizing workers' passports, paying in rupees instead of Swiss francs thereby restricting their movement, and subjecting them to long hours for minimal pay. 

The family’s business manager, Najib Ziazi, received an 18-month suspended sentence. 

The Hinduja family, led by Gopi Hinduja, topped the 2024 Sunday Times rich list with a combined wealth of £37.196 billion. The defendants plan to appeal the ruling.
Source: Sky news
Image: The Telegraph