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Killer Whale Who Carried Dead Calf in 'Show of Grief' Gives Birth again

December 26, 2024

By Evans Momodu
1 minute read

Tahlequah, the killer whale who famously carried her dead calf for 17 days in 2018, has given birth to a new calf, researchers report.

The orca, also known as J35, was seen last Friday in the Puget Sound waterway off Washington State, accompanied by her newborn calf, identified as female and named J61 by the Centre for Whale Research.

While the birth brings hope, experts are concerned about the calf's health. Researchers observed the calf displaying lethargic behaviour, with J35 occasionally pushing her along on her head.

Early life poses significant risks, as mortality rates for orca calves are high during their first year.

The Centre for Whale Research emphasized the importance of salmon recovery to support the survival of orca populations, noting that adequate food resources are critical for the calf's survival.

Tahlequah’s resilience as a mother offers hope, but the situation underscores the ongoing challenges faced by her species in the wild.
Source: Sky news