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Muslim Charities Still Facing Unexplained Bank Account Closures

January 29, 2025


By Evans Momodu
1 minute read

Muslim charities continue to experience sudden bank account closures and difficulties opening new accounts, despite political scrutiny following Nigel Farage's widely publicised debanking, according to a report by the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF).

The report found that 68% of Muslim charities struggle to open bank accounts, while 42% have had banking services completely withdrawn.

Additionally, 42% reported major challenges in transferring funds, causing delays that have hindered humanitarian aid and life-saving operations.

The impact has been severe, with some charities unable to pay hospital staff in conflict zones for months, while others faced delays in providing critical medical treatment to Syrian refugee children.

In one case, a charity received an eviction notice for a shelter after a payment failed to process.

These banking restrictions continue to obstruct vital humanitarian efforts, raising concerns about financial access for charitable organisations.
SOurce: Sky news