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General Election: Conservative Candidates Avoiding Tory Branding

June 14, 2024

Dozens of Conservative candidates are not using any official branding in their Facebook adverts, new analysis reveals, making it difficult to determine their party affiliation at first glance.

How bad is the Conservative brand?

Bad enough that dozens of its own candidates are avoiding it, according to research from Sky's Online Campaign Team and Who Targets Me.

We examined the adverts published on Facebook and Instagram by 521 Labour and Conservative candidates from 1 May to 12 June.

Of these, 376 adverts contained official branding (logos and colours), 104 had some form of partial branding, and 41 had no branding at all.

The vast majority of those with no branding—38—were Conservative.

Among the 80 Conservative candidates who had partial branding, 59 (73%) only mentioned the party in the funding disclosure, where they were legally required to do so.

They did not mention the party elsewhere in the text of the advert or on the visuals if the advert was an image (no videos were watched).

In contrast, all 19 Labour candidates mentioned the party in the written text above the advert, as well as in the funding declaration.