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Woman Claims United Airlines Denied Boarding After Misgendering Flight Attendant

June 29, 2024


Jenna Longoria, from Texas, alleges that she, her 16-month-old son, and her mother were prevented from flying with United Airlines after she misgendered a flight attendant before boarding.

In a series of videos posted on Instagram and X, Longoria recounted the incident while attempting to board a flight from San Francisco to Austin. She claimed that after misgendering a flight attendant, another flight attendant took issue with it.

Longoria explained that she apologised, noting her lack of familiarity with pronouns. She described the stressful situation of handling her son's tantrum and the car seat, which made her less attentive.

She further alleged that United Airlines staff accused her of committing a "hate crime" and suggested she might be banned from flying with the airline. 

According to Longoria, a United Airport Operations supervisor escorted her family away and told them the captain decided to deny boarding.

United Airlines responded to inquiries by neither confirming nor denying the claim that the family was removed due to the misgendering incident. 

The airline stated that a party of three was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items. 

United added that the matter was resolved and the customers took a later flight.

Longoria found the explanation confusing, as she had the same amount of carry-on items on her flight to San Francisco. 

She described the initial refusal to let her pre-board with her son, which was eventually allowed after some insistence. 

Longoria mentioned that the staffer appeared upset and was "shaking" after she addressed them with "Thank you, sir."
Source: Foxbusiness