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Nigerian Army To Celebrate 161 Years of Existence

June 25, 2024

The Nigerian Army (NA), on Monday announced plan to commemorate its 161 years anniversary on July 6, 2024, in Jos, the Plateau state capital. 

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt Gen Taoreed Lagbaja, who announced this in a press briefing to herald activities lined up for the Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL) 2024, also said that the NA ranked very high in Global Firepower Index, 2024.

Represented by Chief of Policy and Plans (Army), Maj Gen AB Ibrahim, the Army Chief said that NADCEL 2024 is a celebration of one of the greatest armies in the world whose eventful history 

spans 161 years. 

According to him, this dates back to 1863 when Lieutenant Glover of the Royal Navy organised 18 indigenes of Northern Nigeria into a local force known as the “Glover Hausas”. This local force, he said went through several stages of growth and development evolving to the present Nigerian Army. 

“Over the years, the Nigerian Army has played crucial roles in the defence of our country and the maintenance of peace and security. Therefore, the Nigerian Army Day Celebration provides an opportunity to celebrate the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve in our Army.

It is expedient to state that as the Nigerian Army evolved, it continually build capacity and modernised to effectively meet its responsibilities.

The capabilities and doggedness of the Nigerian Army ensured its troops participated in the First and Second 

World War and numerous peacekeeping and peace support operations in different parts of the world. The Nigerian Army also took active part in the unfortunate Nigerian Civil War, which ended with the slogan “No victor, no vanquish,” reuniting the country in 1970.

“Its heroic exploits in Peacekeeping especially in the last two decades are well acknowledged globally and particularly by the United Nations. 

The effectiveness of the Nigerian Army in peacekeeping has resulted in several requests for its deployment in various troubled countries, and despite our security challenges, Nigeria submit to calls for increased participation of her troops in international peace efforts.The challenges faced by the Nigerian Army over the past 161 years notwithstanding, the Army has persevered and grown to be the 39th ranked country out of 145 countries assessed in the Global Firepower Index of 2024″.

The Nigerian Army, he said has also made significant contributions to national development and progress in several areas such as security, 

education, engineering, health, science, sports and many other spheres.

Lagbaja added that it was due to these accomplishments, that the NA always seize the opportunity presented by the period culminating into 6 July to celebrate and give glory to Almighty God.

He also seized opportunity to reassure the nation that the Nigerian Army is committed to synergizing with sister

Services and other security agencies in the defence of Nigeria’s territorial integrity and national security.

He added that the Nigerian Army under 

his leadership as the 23rd Chief of Army 

Staff will continue to conduct kinetic and non kinetic operations to ensure the quick resolution of our security challenges. 

The theme for this Year’s Nigerian Army Day Celebration is “Transforming the Nigerian Army: Imperative for Combating Contemporary Security Challenges within a Joint Environment”. The theme, he said was carefully selected considering the significance of transformation for combat readiness and proficiency towards attaining a robust national security that supports economic prosperity and resilient 

democracy, in accordance with Mr President’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

Source: Arise TV