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Man Arrested for 'Attempted Murder' after Car Drives into Group on London Pavement

December 25, 2024

By Evans Momodu
1 minute read

A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a car mounted the pavement in central London during the early hours of Christmas Day.

The incident occurred on Shaftesbury Avenue, where four people were hospitalised, including one who is in a life-threatening condition.

Metropolitan Police responded to reports of a crash and a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road at approximately 12:45 a.m.

The driver, a 31-year-old man, was arrested at the scene. Authorities have confirmed the incident was isolated and not terror-related.

Shaftesbury Avenue, a major road in London’s West End, is known as the centre of the city’s theatre district.
Source: Sky news
Image: Metro