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Breaking: Engine Fire on Boeing 737 Forces Emergency Landing in India

June 20, 2024

Passengers on a flight were horrified when the plane's engine caught fire, necessitating an emergency landing in India.

A Boeing 737, operated by Malaysia Airlines, ignited shortly after departing from Hyderabad, India, just after midnight on Thursday. 

plane made an emergency landing a few minutes later, carrying 138 passengers, according to Viral Press.

A passenger in a window seat recorded a video showing sparks and flames coming from the CFM International jet engine.

A Malaysia Airlines spokesperson later confirmed that all passengers and crew landed safely back at the airport, according to Viral Press. The incident is currently under investigation.

"Affected passengers will be reallocated to other flights for their continued journey," the spokesperson said.

"The aircraft is currently on the ground for further inspection."

Flight data shows the aircraft, registration number 9M-MXU, is a Boeing 737-800.

Boeing's 737 jets have become notorious in recent years for accidents and defects.

On Wednesday, relatives of victims killed in two separate crashes involving Boeing 737 MAX planes five years ago urged the Department of Justice (DOJ) to fine the company the maximum amount under the law and prosecute the executives in charge at the time.

An attorney representing 15 families who lost loved ones in the crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 or Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 sent a letter to the DOJ requesting Boeing face a $24.78 billion fine and that the corporate officials allegedly responsible face criminal charges — including former Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg, who resigned in December 2019.
Source: Fox Business
Image: TMZ