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Trump Addresses Evangelical Christian Voters as He Seeks to Unite the Republican Party

June 22, 2024

Former President Trump will deliver the keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's (F&F) Road to Majority Conference on Saturday as he seeks to garner support from social conservatives ahead of formally accepting the Republican presidential nomination in July. 

Trump announced his attendance in a video from his plane, "Trump Force One," stating he was headed "at fairly rapid speed" to the Washington Hilton in D.C., where the conference is being held. His speech is expected to last about an hour and 15 minutes before he travels to Philadelphia for a rally.

The Road to Majority Conference, hosted annually by F&F, is the largest public policy gathering of conservative Christian activists in the U.S., focusing on issues important to voters of faith ahead of the 2024 election. 

Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of F&F, emphasized the group's desire for a federal abortion ban and courageous Republican officials who support pro-life views.

Despite Trump's previous opposition to a federal abortion ban, he remains favoured by many evangelical Christian voters for appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. 

Reed noted that Trump's credibility on pro-life and pro-family issues remains strong.

Prominent speakers at the conference include Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty. Youngkin, Noem, Carson, and Gabbard have been mentioned as potential running mates for Trump, competing for his approval ahead of the Republican National Convention this summer.
Source: Fox News