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Breaking News: Willie Mays, Legendary Baseball Icon, Dies at 93

June 19, 2024


Willie Mays, the iconic centre fielder and home run slugger known as the "Say Hey Kid," passed away on Tuesday at the age of 93 after a short illness, the San Francisco Giants announced. 

Mays is celebrated as one of the greatest baseball players of all time and had a storied 23-year Major League Baseball career.


 Career Highlights

-Hall of Fame: Elected on the first ballot in 1979 with 95% of the vote.

- Home Runs: Hit 660 home runs, ranking third all-time at his retirement.

- Hits: Accumulated 3,283 hits.

- Awards: Two National League MVP awards.

- All-Star Appearances: Record-tying 24 All-Star Games, holding records for most at-bats (75), hits (23), runs (20), and stolen bases (6).


Mays is perhaps best known for his over-the-shoulder running basket catch during Game 1 of the 1954 World Series. This play, often referred to simply as "The Catch," occurred when Mays sprinted to catch a deep fly ball hit by Vic Wertz of the Cleveland Indians, then quickly threw it back to prevent a run. The New York Giants went on to win the game and the series.


Early Career and Legacy


- Negro League: Mays began his career in the Negro Leagues before debuting in the major leagues in 1948.

- Military Service: Mays served in the Army during the early 1950s, which briefly interrupted his baseball career.

- Return and Success: He won the 1954 NL MVP award after his military service, hitting .345 with 41 home runs.

- Play Style: Mays was known for his "basket catch" style, catching fly balls at his waist, a technique he learned in the Army.


Mays' influence travelled beyond his playing days. He was often seen playing stickball with children in his Harlem neighbourhood and was admired by fans and players alike. 

Hall of Famer Ted Williams famously said, "They invented the All-Star Game for Willie Mays."

Mays reflected on his career with humility, acknowledging the challenges and the joy he found in the game. 

He was inspired by legends like Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, Stan Musial, and Jackie Robinson. Mays' father, Willie Sr., played a significant role in his life, both as a mentor and a friend.


Major League Baseball plans to honour Mays during a Giants-St. Louis Cardinals game at Birmingham's Rickwood Field, where Mays began his career. MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred expressed deep condolences, emphasizing Mays' impact on the game and his legacy as a true giant on and off the field.


Willie Mays leaves behind a legacy that transcends statistics and achievements. His contributions to baseball, his community, and his indomitable spirit have cemented his place as one of the most revered figures in sports history. His passing marks the end of an era, but his legend will continue to inspire future generations of baseball players and fans.
Souce: https://www.usatoday.com/ 
Image: https://www.usatoday.com/