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Citizens of Japan, South Korea & UAE Now Eligible for India’s Visa-on-Arrival

August 7, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • India has added three countries to its visa-on-arrival scheme - Japan, South Korea, and UAE.
  • On visa-on-arrival, these citizens can visit India for tourism, business, conferences, and medical purposes.
  • The visa-on-arrival is valid for 60 days, allowing travelers to visit India up to two times during that period.

Citizens from Japan, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates wishing to visit India can now obtain visa-on-arrivals for tourism, business, conferences, and medical purposes.

Under the new rules, only nationals of these three countries who obtained an e-Visa or a regular paper visa for India earlier are eligible to receive the visa-on-arrival.

The visa-on-arrival for these three nationalities will be valid for 60 days, and travelers will be able to visit India up to two times during that period, VisaGuide.World reports.

As the Indian visa portal informed, the visa-on-arrival is currently available at the six airports listed below:

  • Bangalore
  • Chennai
  • Delhi
  • Hyderabad
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai

In addition, India also offers e-visas with electronic travel authorization (ETA) to citizens from 167 countries.

Visa-on-Arrival Rules That Japan, South Korea & UAE Nationals Should Be Aware Of

The Visa-on-Arrival Scheme applies to Japan, South Korea, and UAE nationals who received an e-visa earlier or a regular/paper visa for India. Meanwhile, nationals coming to India for the first time need to apply for e-Visa or regular/paper visa.

Some other rules about India’s visa-on-arrival are as follows:

  1. This facility is not available to any person if they or either of their parents or grandparents (paternal or maternal) was born in Pakistan or is a permanent resident of Pakistan. Such individuals can visit India only on an appropriate visa from the concerned Indian Mission/Post.
  2. The Visa-on-Arrival facility is not available to holders of Diplomatic/Official passports.
  3. Visa-on-Arrival is non-extendable and non-convertible.
  4. Japanese, South Korean, and UAE nationals are required to fill out an application form to obtain a visa on arrival.
  5. The Indian government advises travelers to download the form, print it, fill it out, and present it to the ”Visa Officer” at the visa counter on arrival. They can also fill out the form on arrival.
  6. The airline will also provide the physical form format on board the flight. The Japanese, South Korean, and UAE nationals must carry a duly filled “VoA Application Form” and a duly filled disembarkation card.
According to the government’s latest Economic Survey for 2023-2024, nearly 9.2 million foreign tourists visited India last year, representing an increase of up to 44 percent over 2022. Still, this figure has not recovered to the pre-pandemic figure of over 10.9 million.
