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Over 1.5 million pilgrims prepare for Hajj rituals in Saudi Arabia

June 14, 2024

More than 1.5 million pilgrims from around the world have gathered in Saudi Arabia, ready for this year’s Hajj rites, which will begin on Friday with the movement from Makkah to Mina ahead of Arafat Day on Saturday.

According to a report by the General Directorate of Passports, as quoted by the Saudi Press Agency, a total of 1,547,295 pilgrims had entered the country via air, land, and sea ports by the deadline on Monday, June 10, for entry closure for this year's pilgrimage.

Additionally, the official spokesman for Saudi’s Ministry of Health, Dr. Mohammed Al-Abdulaali, has cautioned that a major challenge for this year’s Hajj season is the significant rise in temperatures.

No fewer than 1.5 million pilgrims across the world presently in Saudi Arabia are now set for this year’s Hajj rites which would begin on Friday with movement from Makkah to Muna ahead of the Arafat Day on Saturday.

Specifically, a total of 1,547,295 pilgrims, according to a report by the General Directorate of Passports as quoted by the Saudi Press Agency, came into the country through its air, land and sea ports, as at the end of Monday, June 10 deadline for closure of entry to perform this year’s holy pilgrimage.

Meanwhile, the official spokesman for Saudi’s Ministry of Health, Dr Mohammed Al-Abdulaali, has warned that the major challenge facing this year’s Hajj season is the significant rise in temperatures.

Al-Abdulaali advised pilgrims to adhere to the ministry’s health guidelines, including carrying umbrellas, to avoid direct sun exposure, drinking sufficient amounts of water, and taking rest periods between rituals to reduce fatigue and heat stress.

He said these measures aimed to ensure the safety and health of pilgrims during the performance of Hajj rituals.

The spokesperson added that the ministry is making all efforts to provide a healthy and safe environment for pilgrims amid the harsh climatic conditions.

The Saudi Arabian authorities had earlier announced the arrival of approximately 1.2 million pilgrims from various countries around the world for the 2024 Hajj. T

The country’s Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfig Al-Rabiah also assured that all stages of their journey have proceeded smoothly and that the pilgrims are in excellent health.

Source: Daily Post
Image: Aljazeera